What do you need your glasses or sunglasses for?

Everyday glasses
Glasses for everyday use. Single vision distance glasses that correct blurred vision for objects far away while keeping things close at hand clear.
+700 kr.

Single vision reading glasses that correct blurred vision while reading.
+700 kr.

Screen work
Single vision screen glasses that correct blurred vision at intermediate distances, such as screen work.
+700 kr.

Multi-strength glass with sliding transition
Multi-vision lenses with a smooth transition that improve your vision for objects both near and far.
+1.500 kr.
Get personal service
Our experienced staff is ready to help you through the entire process every day of the week (8:00 AM - 8:00 PM on weekdays and 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM on weekends).
Phone : 30 14 15 25
Email : info@glassify.dk
Chat : Click on the icon in the lower right corner and chat directly with us.